
My 2022 reading list

This year, I “only” read 40 books, short of last year’s 55, though this year I did spend more time reading RPG books (reviewed separately), and I did start a 41st. I finished my two-year reread of Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin series, and revisited several other favorites, some of which held up better than others. I continue to log each book to Blurt as I finish it; this is a recap of the year, lightly editing those posts, and grouping books into categories:1

All books are novels that I read for the first time, unless otherwise noted. Within each category, they’re listed in the order I read them. I liked far more of the books than I was neutral towards, and I actively disliked just one: I either choose books well, or have very low standards. (I edited this post in early 2023, after I decided I wasn’t returning to finish one book that I’d set aside at the end of 2022.)

The pinnacle




Appendix: stats

2021 2022
finished 55 40
unfinished 2 1
the pinnacle 3 (5%) 2 (5%)
recommended 17 (30%) 17 (41%)
good 29 (51%) 19 (46%)
okay 5 (9%) 1 (2%)
not recommended / ire-inducing 3 (5%) 2 (5%)
nonfiction 11 (19%) 4 (10%)
published recently 21 (37%) 11 (28%)
reread 13 (23%) 18 (45%)

“Published recently” means that year or the year before.

  1. This is shamelessly stolen from Ken and Robin Consume Media, which applies (most of) these categories to movies and TV shows in addition to books. ↩︎